
  • What is Microchanneling

    Microchanneling is a procedure designed to stimulate your body’s natural ability to generate collagen, elastin and other building blocks of healthy skin. By stimulating the outermost layers of the skin, microchanneling can help your jump-start your body’s natural process. Increases in collagen and communication levels in the skin facilitate thicker, younger looking skin with minimal downtime. Micro-needles create micro-channels – Precision micro-needles are tapped into the skin creating uniform micro-channels. A single pass over the face will create hundreds of thousands of micro-channels.

    This treatment is perfect for acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, hyperpigmentation, dehydration and loss of elasticity. You will be given product to go home with after your treatment.

  • Face Factory Microchanneling treatment

    Our Microchanneling treatment is done using AnteAGE Microchanneling Solution.

    AnteAGE Microchanneling Solution contains pro-healing, anti-inflammatory growth factors and cytokines derived from laboratory culture of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the specialized cells that science has determined function as “command and control” of healing in all injured tissues. Hyaluronic acid provides lubrication and is a powerful humectant that promotes rapid re-hydration and volume enhancement within the upper layers of the skin. AnteAGE products contain no cells or cell remnants (they are removed during ultrafiltration, the final step in the laboratory culture process).

  • Contraindications

    – open cuts on the skin
    -pregnant or breast feeding
    – skin infections, herpes simplex
    -prone to keloid scaring
    -uncontrolled diabetes’s
    -off blood thinners for 5 days prior to appointment
    – bacterial, fungal infections
    – vascular disease
    – immune suppression diseases
    – scars less than 6 months old
    -facial fillers last 14 days
    -using Accutane or have used within the last 6 months
    -liver disease
    -Hepatitis – photosensitive

Microchanneling Prices

  • $225

    Only Microchanneling

  • $275

    Includes: Dermaplaning, anteAGE Regenzyme to exfoliate and brighten the skin, Micochanneling with anteAGE brightening stem cell solution, hyaluronic acid sheet mask under LED

  • $275

  • (treating 1 specific area) $100

  • Full face Package of 3 $600

    Full Face & Décolleté Package of 3 $725

    Rejuvenating Brightening anteAGE Package of 3: $675

  • Dermaplaning $25