Semi-permanent Make-up

What is Microblading

Microblading is a tattooing technique where a small handheld tool with several tiny needles is used to add semi permanent pigment to the skin. Using tiny hairlike strokes, this technique creates a fuller eyebrow. This is a semi permanent procedure and does need to be touch up every 12-24 months. Unlike tattooing, microblading goes only into the first layer of the skin whereas tattooing goes into the 7th layer of the skin which makes it permanent. We leave the pigment in the upper layer of the skin so the pigment does not bleed or oxidize over time. The goal is to always match the natural color of the eyebrow hair.

what can you expect during your appointment?

First we will discuss your goals and what you are wishing to achieve. The next step is drawing and mapping out the eyebrow according to where they should start, where the arch should be and where the tail should end. This process is a team effort. You are a part of the process. Nothing gets microbladed until we both agree on the shape. Once we are in agreement, the numbing cream is applied for about 20 minutes. The microblading process is only about 40 minutes of the appointment. Once finished an ointment is applied and you are send home with home are instructions. You will come back in 4 weeks and we will do a touch up session to go over anything that needs an extra pass and do final details.

Before the Microblading/ ombré powder brow procedure…

-do not tan Or have a sunburn on your face
-DO NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E Or Ibuprofens 24 hours before
-DO NOT drink alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure
-no waxing or tinting 3 days before
-no IPL or Laser Hair removal 2 weeks prior

What is the home care and healing process of microblading/ Ombré powder brows?

Your home care is EXTREMELY important for how your brows heal.
-an ointment will be given to you to take home to prevent scabs
-no submerging in water for 1 week
-keep them out if the sun to prevent fading. This is ALWAYS. Sun fades pigment
-no picking or wiping
-no sweating for a week
-Avoid alcohol for 24 hours BEFORE & AFTER procedure as it increases blood circulation and bruising

who is NOT a good candidate for microblading/Ombré powder brows?

-pregnant or breast feeding
-you have glaucoma or taking blood thinning medication
-You have a skin disease such as psoriasis or eczema
-any transmitting blood conditions such as HIV or Hepatitis
-healing disorders
-prone to keloid scarring
-uncontrolled high blood pressure
-on blood pressure medication
– using Accutane or Steroids
-undergoing radiotherapy, chemotherapy
– heart problems
-you had Botox in the last 4 weeks

Microblading Prices:
$50.00 deposit is required for booking

( must cancel or reschedule microblading or powder brow appointment
7 days prior to scheduled appointment to get $50 deposit back)

microblading first session $450
6-8 week touch up $60
1 year touch up $200
1-2 year touch up $275
2-3 year touch up $350

What are powder brows?

like Microblading, the pigment is placed in the first layer of the skin so it is semi permanent. It is done with a machine rather than a hand tool. The technique is used to give more of a filled in powder brow look. Touch ups are required 12-24 months.

what can you expect during the Powder process?

First we will discuss your goals and what you are wishing to achieve. The next step is drawing and mapping out the eyebrow according to where they should start, where the arch should be and where the tail should end. This process is a team effort. You are a part of the process. Nothing gets shaded until we both agree on the shape. Once we are in agreement, the numbing cream is applied for about 20 minutes. Ombré powder brow process is only about 40 minutes of the appointment. Once finished an ointment is applied and you are send home with home are instructions. You will come back in 6 weeks and we will do a touch up session to go over anything that needs an extra pass and do final details.

Powder brow prices

$50.00 deposit is required for booking
( must cancel or reschedule microblading or powder brow appointment
7 days prior to scheduled appointment to get $50 deposit back)

Powder brow session 1 $500
1 year touch up $250
1-2 year touch up $350
2-3 year touch up $425

Combination Brow

combination of powder brow and microblading

combination brow session 1 $525
1 year touch up $275
1-2 year touch up $375
2-3 year touch up $450